The wait is over and the stage has been set. North Atlanta’s drama department has just unveiled this year’s musical: The Drowsy Chaperone. The spring musical is an annual spectacle that never seizes to amaze students and staff with its performance. The question is how will The Drowsey Chaperone compare to previous years?
Straying from past avant garde productions such as Mean Girls and Legally Blonde, NAHS is taking a traditional approach to this year’s musical. The Drowsy Chaperone is an award-winning spectacle that consists primarily of a jazz soundtrack. The humorous classic captures the glamor and style of the 1920s Broadway era. It is most notable for the unique narration done by the protagonist, The Man in the Chair, a theater enthusiast who provides commentary throughout the musical. Liane Lamester, musical director, felt drawn to this piece because of its medley of performance elements. ‘’I wanted students to explore the physical comedy of farce,’’ said Lamester.
Unfortunately for North Atlanta’s Gen Z student body, the Drowsy Chaperone is before their Netflix subscriptions. Many students are relatively unfamiliar with this 1998 production. Even drama enthusiasts of North Atlanta saw this announcement as a surprise, expecting a more contemporary theme. ‘’It wouldn’t be my first pick for the musical,’’ said sophomore Reese Dumont. ‘’But I am looking forward to making the best of it.’’
The annual musical’s remarkable performance is only the tip of the iceberg for the crowd. Behind the curtain, a whirlwind of hustle, prep, and backstage magic takes place, hidden by the audience. Every aspect of a NAHS musical is the product of dedicated students. The drama department itself is almost entirely student led, giving the students an opportunity to take responsibility. For this year’s musical, the search for new help has already begun. Students interested in helping backstage will have interviews with upperclassmen mentors in order to secure a spot. ‘’I hope to be able to help out with costumes this year,’’ said sophomore Elizabeth Adams.
Whether you’re on board or not, The Drowsey Chaperone will soon be taking the stage at North Atlanta. The unfamiliar matter of the piece will only heighten expectations for both audiences and student actors. Although the school year has just begun, the drama department is already planning to prepare for the March finish line. Take a stance and get ready to be blown away by all that is in store.