Double the Holidays, Double the Fun: Blended Cultures During the Holiday Season


The Best of Both Worlds: Dubs with interfaith families get to celebrate more than just one winter holiday, indulging in multiple cultures and traditions each and every year.

As the holiday season approaches, North Atlanta students (along with the rest of the world) are excitedly anticipating the beloved festivities that come with their favorite time of the year. Unfortunately, the semester’s close can be extremely stressful as students hassle to achieve the final grades they desire and struggle through exams. The one thing that Dubs can hang onto is the two-week break that follows, which will undoubtedly be filled with crazed excitement and holiday joy. While most Dubs celebrate just one holiday during this time, likely Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Christmas, some students get the best of both worlds, and celebrate more than just one, making their holiday season double the fun and double the celebration. 

The majority of North Atlanta’s students celebrate either Hanukkah or Christmas. Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday, takes place over eight days each winter, the exact dates changing yearly. Meanwhile, Christmas, a Christian holiday, is always on December 25th. Generally, students celebrate depending on their religion, culture, or traditions passed down from their parents. On the other hand, some students are lucky enough to get both! 

Circumstances resulting in blended holidays are often caused by two parents celebrating two different holidays because of their different religious or cultural backgrounds. For example, junior Olivia Granot has a mother who was raised Christian and a dad who was raised Jewish. Therefore, she celebrates both religions’ holidays, the most exciting of which are those that fall in the winter. “My favorite part about Hanukkah is lighting candles, and it’s also really fun to open presents around the Christmas tree every year,” she said. “I absolutely love getting to have both of these traditions.”

Junior Blair Rubinger is another North Atlanta student who excitedly awaits celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas each year. She and her biological parents are Jewish, but her stepmom and step-siblings all celebrate Christmas. As a result of this blended situation, she experiences both holidays. “My favorite part is probably being able to participate in two different traditions,” she said, “but I look forward to Hanukkah the most because it aligns with my own culture.” 

Thankfully, the holiday season is right around the corner. Anticipation of the two-week break from school is growing as preparations for the nearing celebrations, whichever those may be, are beginning. So whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or BOTH, Happy Holidays Dubs!