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For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

The Ultimate Fall of Netflix: Losing More Fans than Ever

Lauren Davis
Junior Ana Pinho is sad over the downfall of Netflix

In the world of streaming platforms, Netflix has remained at the top for many years. In recent years, their popularity has had a tremendous drop, to the surprise of many. The introduction of their new premium subscriptions has been one reason for the shift in opinions towards Netflix. There has been a surge in discontent surrounding the new changes being made and fans that have adored Netflix for years are starting to turn their heads.

The once-beloved platform has been facing a significant drop in viewer support, leaving many to wonder what could be causing this unexpected turn of events. Among the myriad of reasons speculated by industry experts and analysts, one prominent factor appears to be the surge of competition in the streaming market. With the emergence of new players such as Disney+, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video, Netflix is no longer the sole destination for binge-watchers seeking entertainment. Junior Siena Schettino expressed her thoughts on the matter and how her head is turning to other entertainment sources. “I used to spend hours scrolling through Netflix, but now, with so many other options available, it feels like there’s less exclusive content to keep me hooked,” she says.

Indeed, the allure of exclusive content has played a pivotal role in attracting and retaining subscribers for streaming platforms. However, Netflix seems to be facing challenges in this department as well. The expiration of licensing agreements with major studios, along with the increasing cost of producing original content, has led to a decline in the platform’s once-extensive library. Junior Corinne Evans has certainly noticed this. “I remember when Netflix used to have all my favorite shows, but now, it feels like they’re disappearing one by one,” she says, “I’m starting to question if it’s still worth the subscription fee.”

Furthermore, the rise of social media platforms and the phenomenon of “cancel culture” have not been kind to Netflix either. Controversies surrounding certain shows and films available on the platform have sparked widespread outrage and calls for boycotts, resulting in a loss of support from certain demographics. Junior Adeline Briggs tries her best to support companies that have the best interest of the people in mind. “I used to enjoy watching Netflix with my friends, but after seeing how they handle certain issues, I don’t feel comfortable supporting them anymore,” she says. 

As the streaming landscape continues to evolve, only time will tell whether Netflix can reclaim its former glory or if its reign as the reigning champion of streaming will come to an end.

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