North Atlanta Tackles “Rent” for Upcoming Spring Musical


Watch out, Warriors! There’s a new spring show taking the school by storm. Carlos Hooper, North Atlanta’s admired and well-accomplished theater teacher, has decided the spring musical will be a production of “Rent.” The show will run March 17, 18 and 19.

Hooper credits his choice to the popularity of the musical with our particular age group. “Most kids know what the play is about,” he said.

He was contrasting the audience’s familiarity with “Rent” compared to last year’s musical “Little Shop of Horrors.” Last year’s production had a funny plot but was unknown to most North Atlanta theater fanatics. Hooper said he senses “Rent” might hit closer to home for teen-agers as it deals with the perils of love, loss, friendship, and growing in the face of adversity. There’s that – plus some really vibrant and danceable music.

Hooper said he’s pleased with the casting and rehearsal progress. The show was cast in December and this early timeframe has given the production troupe more time to prepare.

The leads for “Rent” are seniors Delaney Dunn and Toren Stafford, along with junior Mitch Gardner and sophomore Katherine Atkinson. Hooper expects such high-watt accomplishment that he’s putting the show up for a lofty theatrical award. “We will be competing in the Shuler awards, the high school musical awards, which will give the play a little more oomph, a little more something to work with,” he said.

The Shuler awards model the Tony awards and hosts all participating schools in the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in the spring. Freshman Lenox Johnson, part of the ensemble, is excited for the upcoming process. “I’m excited to really start rehearsing and getting the chance to know the cast. I’ve seen a lot of great shows at North Atlanta and I’m really pumped to be part of one.”

Obviously we can expect some great talent on the stage come spring. The cast won’t disappoint and the music is sure to be killer. Be sure to come out and support the drama department as they perform what is sure to be the best spring musical yet!