North Atlanta Seniors Are Coming Down with Something, And No, It’s Not COVID!


Can’t Wait: The pandemic of senioritis is hitting North Atlanta seniors hard as the end of their high school careers nears closer.

As we begin to close out the year, the seniors are preparing for the next phase of their life, college. They are ready to out and be in the world as adults and their minds are on any and everything but high school. This can be detrimental to some students as colleges are pulling mid-term grades. Additionally, for those who are taking AP and IB courses, the year is far from over. 

Right now, senior counselor Dee Williams is collecting community service forms for the second time as she has extended the due date to February 1 and some students have yet to turn theirs in. In addition to community service seniors who have college, plans have to meet with the college advisors to discuss the next steps for acceptance and for the IB students they have to study for orals. 

While, “Yes,” looking ahead to the future is a good thing, North Atlanta seniors are looking a little too far ahead and want to jump ship and leave high school behind. We can’t leave just yet! There are still some second-semester senior duties that we need to tend to. As for me, I have already been accepted into Georgia State University and will be studying entrepreneurship with a possible minor in marketing. My community service was submitted back and December before winter break and I made my appointment to meet with the college advisors that 1st week we returned back to school in January.  

I made sure to have all my senior duties completed before the second semester.  That way, now all I have to do is maintain a good GPA and walk across the stage in my sparkly pink heels. 

High school has been fun but it’s time for bigger and better things. Now the real test begins, will the Class of 2022 finish the semester, or is the semester going to finish them? Only time will tell.