U.S. Must Stand With Israel Our Ally in the East

Promised Land. Holy Land. Birthright. Cradle. Warzone. These are just some of the names that the land of Israel has been called over the past several thousand years. From their humble beginnings with Abraham and his sons, to the great King David, their destruction and enslavement by the Egyptians and Babylonians, and their eventual freedom by the Persian King, the Hebrew people have been in the center of ancient civilization.

Time and time again the Jewish nation and its people have been assailed form all sides. At times their freedom and even existence has been threatened. The land of Jerusalem is place of great faith and spirituality for those who are of the Christian and Hebrew faith. Its lands have been fought over since the beginning of time. Crusades and wars have plagued and scarred the land and the country’s ancient grounds and walls stand as silent graves to the hundreds and thousands who fell before them in wars long past.

The Jewish people are a strong and remarkably resilient people who have survived the many trials and tribulations. Their will to survive is unparalleled and their weapon of choice neither sword nor firearm, but rather their unbreakable faith and the will to keep moving no matter the cost.

The Holocaust stands as a grim reminder that we as humans are nothing like God, as we are capable of becoming like the devil himself. More than 11 million total lives lost during the course of this horrific genocide and six million of those who perished were Jewish.

Today, Israel beset on all sides by war-mongering nations whose only goal is to wipe it off the map. Both Iran and the self-proclaimed “State of Palestine” target Israel day in and day out. Are we to sit by and watch? Shall we do nothing? After the horrors of the Holocaust, Western powers gave the Jewish people their ancestral home back. We helped build their government, build their cities and train their military. With our help they have become the strong and proud nation they are today. We must stand by our ally and condemn those that would seek to harm them. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to the United States and spoke to Congress about the threat Iran poses and how talks of a nuclear plan would endanger his country and his people. We should head his warning and dismiss any more talks of this so-called deal. It would only benefit Iran seeing how they have always strived to strike at Israel. We must re-evaluate our stance and stand tall and proud with our ally or the consequences will be irreversible.