I’m Eating as Fast as I Can


Dennis Racket

Sophomore Christina Prince said students need longer lunches so they can have time to socialize.

It’s that moment of happiness you look forward to during the school day, it’s lunchtime! You head to the cafeteria excited to feed the stomach that’s been yelling at you all day. You sit at the table, talk to your friends and get out your food. You get ready to lift that sandwich into your mouth and….the bell rings. Looks like lunch is over. Well great, you’ve been waiting for this moment all day and it’s over in a matter of seconds. You’d think you would at least get to almost finish your food. Wrong, unfortunately unless you stuff your food down, there is no finishing your lunch during the lunch period.

Lunch is the most important part of the day. It is a lunch period, so make it a lunch “period”. For me, twenty-five minutes is not enough time to eat. Not to even mention, the amount of time it takes to get out of class, wait for an elevator that isn’t full, get to the cafeteria, wait in the lunch line and sit down. You’ll sit and wonder where all the time went.

Lunch is also a time where we socialize with our peers. It may be the only time that we get to see our friends that aren’t in our classes. However, that time of socializing is cut short. On top of trying to finish eating and catching up with friends, it’s a real challenge trying to enjoy lunch.

Now, imagine having to wait for the elevator from one of the top level floors to get to the third floor where the cafeteria is. Sorry my friend, you have just wasted almost half of your lunch period. Crowds of people are trying to go to lunch just like you and when the elevator opens you can’t even get on because it’s full. Now, once there is a tiny bit of space left for you to hop on, it becomes a race because someone is competing with you on who will fill that empty spot in the elevator. So, once again you wait and wait just to actually get to the lunchroom because taking the stairs from the 11th floor is definitely not an option. News check, this is not a normal sized school, we need extra time for most things.

Once you arrive in the cafeteria, you are faced with the realization that you           have around 15 minutes left. Oh…and did I forget the people that have to wait in line to get lunch? More time wasted, now you have 10 minutes left. Once I finally get to sitting at the table, there isn’t much time. So, I have to sit there and stuff all of my lunch because I can’t finish my food in class since teachers are afraid of food.

Sadly, the happiest part of your day, turns into the most stressful. After all of that time spent waiting to eat your food, you’re now sitting in your third or fourth  period class after lunch and your stomach is growling yet again. Main point is nothing has changed. You’re still hungry and thinking about the next moment that you will be able to eat again after school.