For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

Jackson Lerner

Jackson Lerner, Staff Writer

Jackson Lerner is a junior at North Atlanta, but a rookie as a Warrior Wire staff member. In his upcoming years, Jackson aspires to produce captivating articles, report riveting news, and attain legend status as a Wire staffer. In the end, hopes his name will be amongst those retired on Mr. Stenger’s famed wall of names. In his off time as a wire staffer, he can oftentimes be found at home with his family, spending time with friends, or at the YMCA working. He is frequently seen with his air pods in, listening to his favorite music or watching TikTok's endlessly. While writing, Jackson is constantly searching for synonyms and new vocabulary to produce results of the utmost quality, which is a skill he will not leave behind during his transition from Journalism to the Warrior Wire.

All content by Jackson Lerner