For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

Brooke Robinson

Brooke Robinson, Staff Writer

Brooke Robinson is a junior at North Atlanta yet a total newbie when it comes to the Wire staff. Now an upperclassman, she spends most of her time bossing around the fresh meat of the school because, hierarchically speaking, she's allowed to do that now. Brooke spends most of her time questioning why she enrolled into the IB Program and counting down the days til she graduates, but when she isn't doing that she distracts herself by drawing and listening to music. You'll likely never meet anyone as indecisive as Brooke, as she's constantly asking, "What do you want to do?" (At least she's consistent?) Brooke's idea of a good time is sleeping, as it is the only time where she doesn't have to be conscious of her thoughts. She doesn't necessarily like to be conscious of her thoughts, but that doesn't mean she won't be thinking about writing for the wire this year.

All content by Brooke Robinson