For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

Julia Promoff

Julia Promoff, Staff Writer

Julia Promoff is a sophomore at North Atlanta who has a passion for journalism and cannot wait to fulfill it during her first-year writing for the Warrior Wire! Julia starts off the day listening to NPR, reading the BBC, burning her tongue on green tea, and racing to the bus. She spends her procrastination time Facetiming friends, baking, debating, getting hit by lacrosse balls (and tennis balls), planting trees, watching sitcoms, stabbing people with swords (don’t worry, they usually have fencing gear on), playing her guitar, ukulele, and piano. She loves drawing but her portfolio is in the trash can under her desk. She is known for her permanent smile, love for sweatshirts, and sense of humor…um…I don’t know about that one. Anyways, she is super excited to write for the Warrior Wire!

All content by Julia Promoff