For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

Kacey Walker

Kacey Walker, Staff Writer

Kacey Walker is a junior back for the second year of writing passionate and professional stories for the Dubs of North Atlanta. If she’s not wasting her day with her phone on Instagram or Tiktok, (it happens to the best of us), she’s spending her free time with a crochet hook, knitting needles, or a fencing sword. Kacey is working on mastering her crafty skills as well as her stabby skills. At home, she’s begging for any opportunity to drive around to help out with errands and maybe stop for a fun beverage from Starbucks or Dunkin on the way. But god forbid she has to park anywhere! (It’s the worst part of driving, you have to admit it). Luckily, Kacey will get all the driving she wants with the Warrior Wire’s Drivers of Cool.

All content by Kacey Walker
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