Hooray For Minimum Day!: Seniors Rejoice Over Shortened School Days

Seniors Say Sayonara: Senior Warriors look forward to Minimum Day as a reward for entering their final year at NAHS. Sarah Warren is one of these Dubs, ready to say goodbye to school at 2:07, rather than 3:45.

Elizabeth Ackerman

Seniors Say Sayonara: Senior Warriors look forward to Minimum Day as a reward for entering their final year at NAHS. Sarah Warren is one of these Dubs, ready to say goodbye to school at 2:07, rather than 3:45.

Senior year: a NAHS student’s final days as a Dub. Of course, senior year comes with its perks at all schools. Whether it’s senior skip day, parking preference, or general priorities, there’s no doubt that seniors are the big dogs on campus. But there is one bonus in particular that many deserving Dubs alike can be rewarded. If requirements are met, seniors can earn the oh-so-desirable Minimum Day.

The real question here is, how can one score Minimum Day in their schedule? In order to accomplish such, you need to make sure to grind out when scheduling from freshman to junior year. If you have satisfied all course requirements by the time your fourth year rolls around, a full eight-class schedule is not required. The outcome? A period off on either A or B days (or even both) to do as you please.

To make it easier, these leisure times are either during the first or last period of the day. Both times come with their own perks, but it can be debated which is better. Some students will argue that the early bird Minimum Day is superior. With more time to sleep in and get prepped for the school day, this is definitely the preference of the Dubs who are not morning people. “Having Minimum Day in the mornings is the best because it gives me extra time to finish my homework and actually make a real breakfast,” said senior Ally Carter.


However for those who prefer to get up and get their school day over with, fourth period Minimum Day is what they sign up for. These students can leave the school and do as they please before the 3:45 bell rings. Not only does it make beating the irritating parking deck traffic easier, but it frees up more time for post-school activities, like extracurriculars, jobs, and mountains of homework. “Afternoon Minimum Day is great,” said senior Sarah Warren. “I have much more time in the afternoon to get ahead on my homework.”

Minimum Day is a coveted privilege for seniors. It’s a nice little break amidst all the chaos that comes with being in your last year of high school. While it might not beat it entirely, those feelings of freedom brought by a late start or early dismissal sure do help fight the senioritis blues.