For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

Ryan Rucker

Ryan Rucker, Staff Writer

Ryan Rucker is a junior at North Atlanta, but a rookie on the Wire field. He is also a rookie at golf, which he hopes to soon get better at. Warning: He happens to be quite the sneakerhead, so DO NOT step on his shoes! He also enjoys going to various concerts and music festivals. When Ryan isn’t trying to complete his goal of visiting every Chrome Hearts store in the world, he’s probably busy doing his interminable homework (*cough cough* IB). His strange addiction is eating oatmeal dry and uncooked, rather than the traditional way. Ryan is stoked to be the newest edition to the Warrior Wire and plans to write entertaining stories pertaining to Dub life.

All content by Ryan Rucker
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