For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

Phoebe Jones

Phoebe Jones, Staff Writer

As a second-year staffer Phoebe Jones is ready to ace the Warrior Wire. In the classroom it’s unlikely she will hear you over the songs of Charli XCX blaring in her headphones. The only time she takes them off is for a Diet Coke break, her favorite beverage. To be honest she may be mildly addicted but limits the number of four-hour naps she takes. If school had a vote for adding naptime, she would be the first in line, ready to cast her ballot. The only other time she would possibly wait in line is for a chance to meet Jennifer Lawrence, her favorite celebrity. Phoebe hopes this year the odds will be in her favor this year.

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