For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

For All Things North, Read the Wire

The Warrior Wire

Caroline Feagin

Caroline Feagin, Projects Editor

Caroline Feagin is a three-year veteran of the Wire and the newly appointed projects editor. Outside of the journalism classroom you can find her wandering the aisles of a bookshop or enjoying the company of her friends at a local coffee (or boba) shop. When by herself, Caroline is often caught reading whatever new book her friends recommend to her (especially if it’s a period piece) or jamming out to whatever new playlist spotify has curated for her. She longs to someday find herself writing her heart’s desires out in the city that never sleeps. Caroline is excited to start working with the newest dubs on the Wire and is confident in her belief that she (and her fellow editors) can make this year the best Wire staff! 

All content by Caroline Feagin
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